In the past decade, gender ideology has become a polarizing global issue, challenging established scientific, moral, and cultural truths. This ideology, which promotes the idea that gender identity can differ from one's biological sex, has spread into various spheres of society, including education, medicine, politics, and everyday life. It disrupts traditional family structures, undermines the natural bonds between parents and children, and threatens democratic governance as officials, bureaucrats, and private industries increasingly enforce compliance with these beliefs.
Advocates of gender ideology aim to reshape society by redefining fundamental truths about human nature, prompting resistance from those who value scientific facts and the stability of family and life. Through education and information sharing within international forums, our collection of NGOs is dedicated to raising awareness around the dangerous gender dogmas that have permeated society in order to protect the freedom and human flourishing of democratic societies everywhere.
The International Coalition Against Gender Ideology rallies under seven core principles to take a stand for truth.